June Birthday's!
In astrology, those born from June 1–20 are the Twins of Gemini. With a feeling that something
or someone is always missing, Twins forever seek new friends and opportunities. They are curious, intelligent, sociable communicators. Those born from June 21–30 are Cancer’s Crabs. Crabs like to retreat into their “shells” and enjoy being surrounded by loved ones at home. They nurture deep relationships and become loyal friends
Celebrity Birthdays
Morgan Freeman (actor) – June 1st
Prince (musician) – June 7th
Frank Lloyd Wright (architect) – June 8th
Judy Garland (entertainer) – June 10th
Jacques Cousteau (explorer) – June 11th
Burl Ives (singer) – June 14th
Lionel Richie (singer) – June 20th
Clarence Thomas (Justice) – June 23rd
Pearl S. Buck (novelist) – June 26th
Pat Morita (actor) – June 28th
Michael Phelps (Olympian) – June 30th
Tenants/Staff Birthdays!
Megan Kleffman – June 29th